upsc preparation - current Affairs preprations .
Current Affairs Preparation Current Affairs is a very important chunk of Civil Service Exam Preparation. Major themes around the questions asked both in Prelims and Mains are derived from the current affairs. The contemporary events that happen around us, whether international or national, relating to the political system, law, environment, technology and economy are very crucial to understand. Current affairs is also very interesting to read and it makes you more aware of the environment you will work in. Inorder to pinpoint what to focus on during current affairs preparation, you must closely analyse the type, format and category of questions asked in the paper. Take out half an hour everyday to go through previous years questions. This will give you an idea on what lines UPSC will put questions before you. Especially in Prelims, this pattern is highly dynamic and hence a thorough analysis of past 7 years papers must be done. Mark out the topics and areas that are asked ...